Sussex County Love

07 May 2020 -


The last time I lived in Sussex County was 2001, the year I graduated high school. In the two decades since, I’ve always enjoyed my visits back to the area I grew up in. And, I’ve always felt that it was a great place to grow up in, but not somewhere I’d want to live again. The virus has changed that a bit. And while I wouldn’t consider it home again after six weeks of quarantining with my sister and her family, I am feeling a resurgence in love for my hometown. This has mainly been facilitated by the long daily walks I’ve been taking. Each day I walk for about three hours and listen to podcasts and music. Over the last six weeks, I’ve seen so much of the county. Here’a cool little mapping I made of the walks I’ve done so far.

Below are some photo highlights from these walks. If you want to see all the pictures I took, you can find them in my google photos album here.

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