
Below are links to different projects in my data science portolio:

Data Visualization Projects

A series of visualizations about Supreme Court tenure and confirmation process
Supreme Court - Github Repo

Twitter Feed of Tidy Tuesday Submissions
Tidy Tuesday - Github Repo

Blog Post - Plotly Dashboards to Visualize Phish Setlist Data

Phish Setlist Dashboard
Github Repo

The Story of a Phish Song Dashboard
Github Repo

Phish Tour Analysis
Github Repo

Bokeh Plots - When during a show does the Grateful Dead typically play certain songs

Machine Learning Projects

Blog Post - Using Machine Learning to predict if a Phish song will end the set
Interactive Dashboard to Predict Phish Set Closers Github Repo

Writing About Data Science

Blog Post - Why Teachers Don’t Trust Mathematical Models
Blog Post - Why Data Science in Education Interests Me
Blog Post - Recommendations for Data Science in Secondary Education
Blog Post - My Data Science Learning Process
Blog Post - How Learning to Code is Similar to Learning to Code
Blog Post - Data Science Podcast Reviews
Blog Post - Analyzing a Data Set
Blog Post - Why Use Phish Data