I started this blog a couple weeks ago mostly for myself. I am not trying to attract a ton of traffic or make any money. I want to practice my writing and potentially entertain some friends. Because the topics I’m covering on here are relatively diverse, I thought it might be helpful to write a bit more about the audience of the blog.

Primarily, I see this is my quarantine time capsule. For the rest of my life, I will look back and see what I was able to accomplish while isolated. While I may continue adding content here after the quarantine ends, I don’t think I would have gotten to a place where I felt comfortable and excited to share my thoughts publicly if it wasn’t for this forced change in lifestyle. Having a snapshot of how productive I have been and what I have found fulfilling during this time will likely be a helpful reflection tool for future transitions in my life. It can also serve as a nice barometer to measure my future self against when I’m tempted to fall into less productive habits. When I start working again, I’ll have less time for hobbies and exercise. So, I hope these reflections can be helpful in suggesting which hobbies to prioritize when that transition happens. I also feel like starting the blog has helped keep me motivated to at least do some learning and writing everyday.

The other primary audience I have in mind for this blog is a future hiring manager. I don’t expect any hiring manager to have the time to come and read everything here. But, I do hope to get hired by someone who is focused enough on hiring the right person that they would take a quick look at what I have put together. I don’t expect it to replace any interview process; but, I do hope that a hiring manager could poke around and see a bit of my writing and see that it aligns with how I’ve represented myself during the selection process.

I hope that what I put up is entertaining to some friends and fellow Phish fans. I hope that some data loving educators or education loving data scientists find some of my insights helpful. And I hope that whoever stumbles on what I have created learns something that can help them teach themselves a skill or hobby in the future. I don’t plan to write with the purpose of teaching others how I created models or visuals. But, I do hope that sharing my thought process is helpful.