I’d like to document my learning process but I don’t want to overdue it. So, I’ll park a bunch of ideas for what to write about here and choose what feels most interesting.
Blogs Posted
- Share a raw copy of my notes from listening to podcasts
- Quarantine Walk Mapping - Generate a map of walks from a starting point that cover as much of the surrounding roads and paths while minimizing overlapping on roads and paths you’ve already been on. So far I just have an idea for an algorithm, not any model.
- A review of some data science podcasts I’ve been listening to
- My Learning Process So Far - A summary of the things I’ve done over the past few months to teach myself data science
- How learning Spanish while traveling primed me for teaching myself coding
Blog Ideas
- How listening to every episode of the Towards Data Science podcast built my confidence
Data Science Project Ideas that Aren’t Phish
- Six Degrees of Chris Rock - Why do all pop-psych books use the exact same examples? Network analysis of the index of the top 100 pop-pysch books.